Monday, March 2, 2009

The Secret Language of Plants

Plants understand your touch. It's said that if you talk to them they respond to you. Their language is not with words but with silence and if you understand it, you are one of those lucky few.

I tried giving 'Reiki' to many of my ailing plants and believe me they understand they are getting love and energy. They greet you, they smile at you, they flower for you, they spread fragrance for you. But mind you, they don't like being cut.

If a plant is brought to a laboratory, it senses that it's going to be mutilated and starts shriveling on it's own. But, if you see it in a garden or a plant nursery, it starts growing and flowering faster as it knows it's being loved and is cared. Who doesn't like being loved. Don't we humans do as well?

Pruning is fine as long as there's space for growth. Still, talk to them as if you are just doing a haircut for them which can make them look fashionable.

If you are planning on cutting off a tree in your backyard, ask yourself first if it is absolutely necessary to cut it. Only if it is, then cut it. You should first go to it. Speak to it in a serious and a loving tone.

Explain to the tree the reason why you want to cut it. Ask for it's understanding. Start with the stems and then gradually cut the trunk and then the roots. Don't just uproot it.

Ask for a two days time for it to prepare mentally. Yes, they do have a brain as well. Tell it that if possible you will cut a stem and let it's offspring grow.

Hindus actually even do a Pooja(Prayer) for the dying tree so that it lies in peace just as we would do it for a deceased human being.

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